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Tieto internetové stránky obsahujú informácie, ktoré sú určené výhradne odborníkom v zdravotníctve. Potvrdzujem, že som odborníkom v zdravotníctve.

Forticare Advanced prípravok pre onkologických pacientov

Unikátny prípravok na trhu s jedinečnou kombináciou vysokej dávky EPA a bielkovín v malom objeme len 125 ml!

Strata hmotnosti a kachexia negatívne ovplyvňujú pacientovu schopnosť tolerovať onkologickú liečbu1-3


Úbytok svalovej hmoty nezávisle a signifikantne predikuje:4,5

Strata hmotnosti vedie primárne k strate svalovej hmoty6

Špecifické nutričné potreby onkologických pacientov14,15




Referencie: 1. Gullett NP, Mazurak V, Hebbar G, et al. Nutritional Interventions for Cancer-induced Cachexia. Curr Probl Cancer. 2011; 35(2):58–90. 2. Clemente-Suárez VJ, Redondo-Flórez L, Rubio-Zarapuz A, et al. Nutritional and Exercise Interventions in Cancer-Related Cachexia: An Extensive Narrative Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr; 19(8):4604. 3. Daly LE, Prado CM, Ryan AM. A window beneath the skin: how computed tomography assessment of body composition can assist in the identification of hidden wasting conditions in oncology that profoundly impact outcomes. Proc Nutr Soc. 2018 May; 77(2):135-151. 4. Daly LE, Power DG, O´Reilly Á. et al. The impact of body composition parameters on ipilimumab toxicity and survival in patients with metastatic melanoma. Br J Cancer. 2017 Jan; 116(3):310-317. 5. Feliciano E, Lee V, Prado CM, et al. Muscle mass at the time of diagnosis of nonmetastatic colon cancer and early discontinuation of chemotherapy, delays, and dose reductions on adjuvant FOLFOX: The C-SCANS study. Cancer. 2017 Dec 15;123(24):4868-4877. 6. Dodson S, Baracos VE, Jatoi A, et al. Muscle wasting in cancer cachexia: clinical implications, diagnosis, and emerging treatment strategies. Annu Rev Med. 2011; 62:265-2679. 7. Silva FR, de Oliveira MG, Souza AS, et al. Factors associated with malnutrition in hospitalized cancer patients: a cros-sectional study. Nutr J. 2015; 10;14:123 8. Prado C, Lieffers J, Bergsten, et al. Dietary patterns of patients with advanced lung or colorectal cancer. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2012; 73(4):e298-e303. 9. McCurdy B, Nejatinamini S, Debenham BJ, et al. Meeting Minimum ESPEN Energy Recommendations Is Not Enough to Maintain Muscle Mass in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 12; 11(11):2743. 10. Stobaus N, Muller MJ, Kupferling S, et al. Low Recent Protein Intake Predicts Cancer-Related Fatigue and Increased Mortality in Patients with Advanced Tumor Disease Undergoing Chemotherapy. Nutr Cancer. 2015; 67(5):818-824. 11. Mardas M, Madry R, Stelmach-Madras M. Dietary intake variability in the cycle of cytotoxic chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer. 2016 Jun; 24(6):2619-2625. 12. Spotten LE, Corish CA, Ui Dhuibhir PM, et al. Subjective and objective taste and smell changes in cancer. Ann Oncol. 2017 May 1; 28(5):969-984. 13. Churilla TM, Lesko SL, Brereton HD, et al. Serum vitamin D levels among patients in a clinical oncology practice compared to primary care patients in the same community: a case-control study. BMJ Open. 2011 Dec 19; 1(2):e000397. 14. Arends J, Bachmann P, Baracos V, et al. ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients. Clin Nutr. 2017; 36(1):11-48. 15. Arends J, Strasser F, Gonella S, et al. Cancer cachexia in adult patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline. ESMO Open. 2021 Jun; 6(3):100092. 16. Pappalardo G, Almeida A, Ravasco P, et al. Eicosapentaenoic acid in cancer improves body composition and modulates metabolism. Nutrition. 2015 Apr; 31(4):549-555. 17. Arshad A, Isherwood J, Dennison A. Could omega-3 fatty acids improve quality of life in cancer patients? Future Oncol. 2015; 11(24):3225-3228. 18. Song G-M, Tian X, Liang H, et al. Role of Enteral Immunonutrition in Pacients Undergoing Surgery for Gastric Cancer. Medicine. 2015;94(31):1-12.

Referencie - Jedinečná kombinácia vysokej dávky EPA a bielkovín v malom objeme: 1. Zoznam kategorizovaných dietetických potravín MZ SR https://www.health.gov.sk/?zoznam-kategorizovanych-dietetickych-potravin 2. Arends J, Bachmann P, Baracos V, et al. ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients. Clin Nutr. 2017; 36(1):11-48. 3. Arends J, Strasser F, Gonella S, et al. Cancer cachexia in adult patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline. ESMO Open. 2021 Jun; 6(3):100092. 4. Hubbard GP, Elia M, Holdoway A, et al. A systematic review of compliance to oral nutritional supplements. Clin Nutr. 2012 Jun;31(3): 293-312. 5. de Luis DA, Izaola O, Cuellar L, et al. Clinical effect of w3 enhanced powered nutritional formula in postsurgical ambulatory head and neck cancer patients. Nutr Hosp. 2013; 28(5):1463-1467 6. Murphy RA, Mourtzakis M, Chu QSC, et al. Nutritional intervention with fish oil provides a benefit over standard of care for weight and skeletal muscle mass in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. Cancer. 2011; 15: 1775-1782. 7. Pappalardo G, Almeida A, Paula R. M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc., R. D. Eicosapentaenoic acid in cancer improves body composition and modulates metabolism, Nutrition 31 (2015) 549–555.







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